Posted in december daily 2010, Freebie

So lets talk Christmas . . .

. . . you’d rather not ?

Me either, but needs must, I did the pre Christmas window shop trip last Saturday with the Family in tow.

We do this most years, it gives everyone a chance to make a wish list and get ideas for gifts to be bought for all the other family members, right now is when I am thankful that my parents were happy to stop at just two kids (Love you Mom xx) not sure what I would do if I had a huge family to buy for.

Along with all the other pre Christmas decisions, who goes to whom for Christmas day, check that youngest child is aware that FC is fictitious (youngest child is eleven ! ) buy chocolate coins for advent calendars and decide whether or not to document this years festivities.

I have to say the jury is still out on the last decision

As is the case each year I have bought an album with the intention to document Christmas and I have designed some 3×4 and some 6×4 cards for use in the pocket style albums, although they could just as easily be used on traditional layouts as well as other styles of Christmas albums too.

I hope that these meet everyone’s festive documenting needs. Use them plain, embellish them or add journaling whatever your style these are versatile enough to work with so many festive projects.

RIGHT as it is only TWELVE days til the FIRST of DECEMBER I am going to post my “documenting December/Christmas” printables one sheet at a time, so thats one a day for the next TWELVE days.

Let me know how useful these are to you.

OK lets start with the DATE sheet, these punchable circular dates can be punched with a 1inch or a 1.5 inch punch. The 1 inch punch will need to be positioned just inside the coloured circle. If you are using a 1.5 inch punch then you will end up with a small white border around the edge, this is my preference, I centred my punches by eye – its not too tricky.

DD 2013 dates

All this years December Printables will be downloadable from HERE

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