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Sleepy Sunday

The weather is pants, its early and everyone else in my house is asleep.

So here I am back on the blog, I have no idea if anyone even reads these things anymore.

I’m going to revive it for a while and see what the interest is, I love instagram but its not ideal if I want to share something downloadable or printable.

Lets talk “documenting your stories” do you still do this on a regular basis and in what format ?

I will admit that my scrap booking has tailed right off, the most I have been doing over the last eighteen months is for design team commitments, classes and my Christmas album ( I even managed to complete 2017’s one, 2018’s still needs finishing)

For no apparent reason I don’t seem to be scrap booking because I want to, for the joy of it, as a creative outlet, if I’m honest its become a chore (Shocked Face !) This year I have reduced my design team commitments and I’m all about trying to get back to the point where what I produced gave me joy.

I know its February already but I have decided to start a photo pocket album to document my families stories this year. I do this every year and unfortunately most years I never finish, I lose momentum and again it becomes a chore.

This year I’m going with a different physical format 9×12, I still take take lots of photos as does my husband but I’m not just going to document all the daily repetitive minutiae just because it happened, that’s too much like a diary for me.

Whilst I’ve been pondering my story telling format and wasting time on instagram and pinterest looking at how everyone else is tackling their documenting methods, I designed some 3×4 cards and one 6×4 to use in my albums.

If you think that they might be useful for you please feel free to download them, please be kind and credit me as the designer if you do use them – thanks


To Download pick them up here


2 thoughts on “Sleepy Sunday

  1. Like you, I have also been slacking in y scrapbooking. Not sure why. Maybe because I’m bored with it. Have been noticing that many people have changed their formats too. At the moment its just not viable for me, as then I would have to buy more stuff to accommodate the change and thats just not a good idea. I also take a lot of photos, and enjoy doing do, so a smaller format wouldnt help me much. I enjoy the idea of documenting my family’s ‘history’. It’s something thats important to me, but how, is another issue. I’ve also started with TN, thinking that maybe this would be a good idea too. At least buying a TN journal or even making one is far more ideal for me. I also have a large amount of stash, that seems to be piling up and am not getting to. I subscribe to a fabulous kit store and so this is my only source of obtaining stash. So, I’m also in an in between phase, with 2018 PL only in September, with oads of stoch and almst no gump-tion (???) to carry on, but also not really wanting to ‘get rid of it’. Aaah! These first wold problems, right?
    Thanks for the printables btw. Enjoy your Sunday.

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